Open311 holds the promise for innovative technology to not only transform citizen engagement and communication, but also drive efficiency and cost-savings in government.

Civic Commons Marketplace
The Civic Commons Marketplace — currently in private beta – aligns cities around the technologies they buy and build by fostering an engaged community of government decision-makers, organizations, and vendors.

Legal Guide
The Civic Commons Legal and Procurement Guide is the go-to resource for government lawyers and staff to reference when implementing opensource software. This wiki-based guide was developed by Code for America.

Change by Us
Change by Us is a new digital platform that enables citizens to collaborate on projects for city improvement themselves.

Checkbook NYC 2.0
Checkbook NYC 2.0, a financial transparency product developed by the NYC Comptroller’s office, will be open source.

Landlord Watchlist
The Landlord Watchlist, created by the NYC Public Advocate’s office, tracks the city’s worst landlords, is now open source.

Weave enables users to explore, analyze, and disseminate data from any location at any time. Soon to be opensource, enabling greater development and further innovation on this important platform.

Federal IT Dashboard
The Federal IT Dashboard is a publicly accessible tool tracking the ROI of IT projects; it’s saved them $3 billion. Now, it’s freely available to any government who wants it.

Save-a-Life App
The San Ramon Fire Department’s innovative app enables CPR-trained citizens to respond to heart attack victims, often quicker than 911. Soon to be opensource and available world-wide.

CityAdmin & CityLaw
New York Law School released the apps, CityAdmin and CityLaw, in attempts to boost transparency and efficiency in city governments — now available for use in cites nationwide.

Enterprise Addressing System
San Francisco’s Enterprise Addressing System is a web-based system for managing the city’s master database of physical addresses. Now opensource, the application is available for broader deployment.

Zanby, a social software, is built on the idea that groups of people are the building blocks of communities. Now opensouce, it promises to be even more useful with the aid of the developer community.