is an interesting and active resource for insights on open source technology in industries ranging from business and law to education and government. Today, they featured a post on Civic Commons and specifically on the marketplace we’re in the process of building and how you can help:
Civic technology experts have recognized the benefits of sharing technology among governments and institutions. However, instances of successful collaboration and sharing are still few and far between, in part because there is no easy, structured way to share knowledge about this software, let alone the software itself. There is no one place to go to look for civic software that cities need, and no roadmap to share what they have. We aim to change that.
Enter the Commons Project: this project will foster the creation and growth of a community of civic technologists sharing not only information about the applications they use and their experiences with them, but also the very application code. Think of it like a community-driven civic app store. By connecting the nation’s best civic innovators, we will stimulate better IT decision making and the reuse of civic code across the country.
We’re just getting started on the project, and you can help us make it successful. We need to inventory the civic technology currently being deployed by governments across the country to seed the commons. That’s where you come in. As active members of the open source community, you have the insight into what technology is being used where. Please share your knowledge here, and you can help us build the Civic Commons:
Full story: Building a Civic Commons on
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